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Fodpod Advice Centre

Our centre for information and advice on all things dietary.

I've started Low FODMAP, but I have questions...

I've started Low FODMAP, but I have questions...

If your experience of going Low FODMAP is anything like ours was, then you’re probably thinking to yourself “this diet is hard… Is it even worth it?” Our answer is yes, it absolutely is. Here are our top questions and answers to help you get started.
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Is it Low FODMAP? How to tell

Is it Low FODMAP? How to tell

We know first-hand that the Low FODMAP can seem particularly restrictive at first. But take heart - it’s not that bad when you get used to it! Here are some pointers to help you on your way.
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How to do the Low FODMAP diet

How to do the Low FODMAP diet

The principle is simple: cut out possible causes of your symptoms; rest and recover; then get as close back to normal as possible while keeping your symptoms under control. Here we walk you through the process in detail.

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Low FODMAP: is it for me? Is it forever?

Low FODMAP: is it for me? Is it forever?

The low FODMAP diet can potentially help anyone having symptoms of gastrointestinal distress such as bloating, nausea, cramps, diarrhoea, constipation, acid reflux, and heartburn. We run through what the diet is, why it works, and where to start.
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What on earth are FODMAPs?

What on earth are FODMAPs?

FODMAPs have always been around in foods, but their effects have only recently been understood. In the early 2000s a team of researchers at Monash University in Australia identified them as being linked to symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. Here we run through the basics of what you need to know.
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The beginner's Low FODMAP food guide

The beginner's Low FODMAP food guide

If you or someone you know has been told to go Low FODMAP, chances are that you've already spotted that there's quite a steep learning curve to this diet. Here is a quick overview of some common ingredients. It is by no means comprehensive, but we hope you find it helpful.
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